

包括PaddlePaddle, Pytorch, MxNet, Tensorflow使用CPU计算的配置(自动配置,手动配置)。



  • MXNet - full support
  • PyTorch - full support
  • TensorFlow - supports inference and NDArray operations
  • ONNX Runtime - supports basic inference
  • PaddlePaddle - supports basic inference
  • TFLite - supports basic inference
  • TensorRT - supports basic inference
  • DLR - supports basic inference
- 补充信息:下面这个版本可以直接支持 CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)及以上 ubuntu 18.04及以上




version 0.20.0(版本可能不会及时维护,请参考上面的文档)

1. PaddlePaddle engine

1). 自动配置


2). macOS - CPU


3). Linux - CPU


4). Linux - GPU
需要设置环境变量LD_LIBRARY_PATH,如在 /etc/profile中设置。



  • CUDA 支持的版本
- <artifactId>paddlepaddle-native-cuXXX</artifactId>
# 搜索 ai.djl.paddlepaddle 查询 : https://mvnrepository.com/ 
# 或者 https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/ai/djl/paddlepaddle/
CUDA 11.2: paddlepaddle-native-cu112
CUDA 11.0: paddlepaddle-native-cu110
CUDA 10.2: pytorch-native-cu102
CUDA 10.1: pytorch-native-cu101

5). Windows - CPU


6). Windows GPU

  • CUDA 支持的版本
- <artifactId>paddlepaddle-native-cuXXX</artifactId>
# 搜索 ai.djl.paddlepaddle 查询 : https://mvnrepository.com/ 
# 或者 https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/ai/djl/paddlepaddle/
CUDA 11.2: paddlepaddle-native-cu112
CUDA 11.0: paddlepaddle-native-cu110
CUDA 10.2: pytorch-native-cu102
CUDA 10.1: pytorch-native-cu101

2. Pytorch engine

1). 自动配置


PyTorch engine version
PyTorch native library version
1.11.0, 1.12.1, 1.13.0
1.10.0, 1.11.0, 1.12.1
1.9.1, 1.10.0, 1.11.0
1.9.1, 1.10.0, 1.11.0

2). macOS - CPU


3). macOS - M1


4). Linux - CPU


5). For aarch64 build


6). For Pre-CXX11 build

# We also provide packages for the system like CentOS 7/Ubuntu 14.04 with GLIBC >= 2.17. 
# All the package were built with GCC 7, we provided a newer libstdc++.so.6.24 in the package that 
# contains CXXABI_1.3.9 to use the package successfully.
ai.djl.pytorch:pytorch-native-cu113-precxx11:1.11.0:linux-x86_64 - CUDA 11.3
ai.djl.pytorch:pytorch-native-cpu-precxx11:1.11.0:linux-x86_64 - CPU




7). Linux - GPU


  • CUDA 支持的版本
- <artifactId>pytorch-native-cuXXX</artifactId>
# 搜索 ai.djl.pytorch 查询 : https://mvnrepository.com/ 
# 或者 https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/ai/djl/pytorch/
CUDA 11.7: pytorch-native-cu117
CUDA 11.6: pytorch-native-cu116
CUDA 11.3: pytorch-native-cu113
CUDA 11.1: pytorch-native-cu111
CUDA 10.2: pytorch-native-cu102
CUDA 10.1: pytorch-native-cu101
CUDA 10.0: pytorch-native-cu110
CUDA 9.2: pytorch-native-cu92

8). Windows - CPU


9). Windows - GPU

  • CUDA 支持的版本
- <artifactId>pytorch-native-cuXXX</artifactId>
# 搜索 ai.djl.pytorch 查询 : https://mvnrepository.com/ 
# 或者 https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/ai/djl/pytorch/
CUDA 11.7: pytorch-native-cu117
CUDA 11.6: pytorch-native-cu116
CUDA 11.3: pytorch-native-cu113
CUDA 11.1: pytorch-native-cu111
CUDA 10.2: pytorch-native-cu102
CUDA 10.1: pytorch-native-cu101
CUDA 10.0: pytorch-native-cu110
CUDA 9.2: pytorch-native-cu92

3. MxNet engine

1). 自动配置


2). macOS - CPU


3). Linux - CPU


4). Linux - GPU

  • CUDA 支持的版本
# 搜索 ai.djl.mxnet 查询 : https://mvnrepository.com/ 
# 或者 https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/ai/djl/mxnet/
CUDA 11.2: mxnet-native-cu112mkl
CUDA 11.0: mxnet-native-cu101mkl
CUDA 10.2: mxnet-native-cu101mkl
CUDA 10.1: mxnet-native-cu102mkl
CUDA 9.2: mxnet-native-cu102mkl

5). Windows - CPU


6). Windows - GPU

  • CUDA 支持的版本
# 搜索 ai.djl.mxnet 查询 : https://mvnrepository.com/ 
# 或者 https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/ai/djl/mxnet/
CUDA 11.2: mxnet-native-cu112mkl
CUDA 11.0: mxnet-native-cu101mkl
CUDA 10.2: mxnet-native-cu101mkl
CUDA 10.1: mxnet-native-cu102mkl
CUDA 9.2: mxnet-native-cu102mkl

4. Tensorflow engine

1). 自动配置


2). macOS - CPU


3). Linux - CPU


4). Linux - GPU

  • CUDA 支持的版本
# 搜索 ai.djl.tensorflow 查询 : https://mvnrepository.com/ 
# 或者 https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/ai/djl/tensorflow/
CUDA 11.3:  tensorflow-native-cu113
CUDA 11.0:  tensorflow-native-cu110
CUDA 10.1:  tensorflow-native-cu101

5). Windows - CPU


6). Windows - GPU

  • CUDA 支持的版本
# 搜索 ai.djl.tensorflow 查询 : https://mvnrepository.com/ 
# 或者 https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/ai/djl/tensorflow/
CUDA 11.3:  tensorflow-native-cu113
CUDA 11.0:  tensorflow-native-cu110
CUDA 10.1:  tensorflow-native-cu101